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Hoganji itaishitoba-gun: The Hoganji Temple Stele Group



Municipally Designated Tangible Cultural Property (Archaeological artifact)


Hoganji itaishitoba-gun

The Hoganji Temple Stele Group


No. of features:

23 flat stone steles


January 13, 1964


Takagi Jizodo Hall, 2-14-4 Futatsumiya, Nishi Ward


Jizodo Hall


Itaishitoba steles are flat, stone, pillar-shaped stupas that were used in Buddhist memorials. They are often inscribed with seed syllables (in Sanskrit, “bīja,”) Sanskrit characters representing the names of buddhas and bodhisattvas.

The itaishitoba steles in this group were carved at various points during the period between ~1180 and ~1570. The largest specimen is dated October 24th, 1349. It stands 162 centimeters high, and measures 44.2 centimeters at its widest point. It is inscribed with three Amida Buddha (Amitabha) seed syllables.

Associated Texts:

vol. 13, Omiya City Board of Education, 1979, Survey Report on the Prefectural Cultural Properties of Omiya.

vol. 15, Omiya City Board of Education, 1981, Survey Report on the Prefectural Cultural Properties of Omiya.

Cultural Properties in Omiya 2., Omiya Municipal Board of Education, 1986.

This cultural artifact is not currently on public display. Please seek permission from its owners/curators before viewing. Please be courteous towards other visitors and the site’s owners/curators when visiting this cultural property.

Inquiries (Japanese only)

Cultural Heritage Preservation Division, Department of Lifelong Learning, Board of Education Secretariat 

TEL: 048-829-1723 FAX: 048-829-1989


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