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Tokoin gorinto: The Five-Tiered Stupas of Tokoin Temple



Municipally Designated Tangible Cultural Property (Archaeological artifact)


Tokoin gorinto

The Five-Tiered Stupas of Tokoin Temple東光院五輪塔

No. of features:

Two stone stupas


February 7th, 1975


Tokoin Temple, 690 Shimane, Nishi Ward


The religious juridical person of Tokoin Temple


Gorinto (lit. five-ringed tower) are a type of Buddhist stupa often used in funereal and memorial settings. Each section represents one of five elements: the cube, earth; the sphere, water; the pyramid, fire; the hemisphere, air; and the uppermost jewel shape, space/void.

These five-tiered stupas at Tokoin Temple are dated November 16th, 1570, and inscribed with the word "gyakushu". Gyakushu, or reverse rites, refers to the practice of performing Buddhist memorial rites while one is still alive, with the goal of securing merits for one's own soul after death.

The stupas are carved from sandy tuff, and have been repaired on their uppermost tiers. They stand at heights of 63.8 centimeters and 63.1 centimeters, not including pedestals

Associated Texts:

vol. 13, Omiya City Board of Education, 1979, Survey Report on the Prefectural Cultural Properties of Omiya.

vol. 15, Omiya City Board of Education, 1981, Survey Report on the Prefectural Cultural Properties of Omiya.

Cultural Properties in Omiya 2., Omiya Municipal Board of Education, 1986.

This cultural artifact is not currently on public display. Please seek permission from its owners/curators before viewing. Please be courteous towards other visitors and the site’s owners/curators when visiting this cultural property.

Inquiries (Japanese only)

Cultural Heritage Preservation Division, Department of Lifelong Learning, Board of Education Secretariat 

TEL: 048-829-1723 FAX: 048-829-1989


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