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Akiha sasara shishimai: Akiha Sasara Lion Dance



Municipally Designated Intangible Folk Cultural Property


Akiha sasara shishimai

Akiha Sasara Lion Dance



May 15, 1958

Preservation Group

Akiha Sasara Lion Dance Preservation Society


Akiha Shrine (818 Nakakugi, Nishi Ward)

Akiha Sanshobo (1699 Nakakugi, Nishi Ward)

Event Date

Saturday close to July 15th


This lion dance is said to have been introduced by an ascetic mountain monk of Akiha Sanjakubo in the late Muromachi period (1336-1573). Three lions (a large lion, a medium lion, and a lioness) perform a heroic and splendid lion dance to pray for a good harvest, the eradication of bad luck, and to ward off evil spirits. In addition to the lion dances performed at Akiha Shrine and Akiha Sanjakubo of Eishoji Temple, another highlight of the festival is the "michiyuki." This procession is carried out while flutes and drums play so that the spirits of the gods will dwell in the tengu, lion, hottoko (clown), and hanagasa actor holding a sasara (bamboo whisk).

Associated Texts:

Omiya's Cultural Properties, Vol. 1 (Omiya City Board of Education, 1960)

Cultural Properties of Omiya" (Omiya City Board of Education, published in 1965)

Cultural Properties of Omiya, Vol. 2 (Omiya City Board of Education, published in 1986)

When visiting, please be mindful of your actions and avoid disturbing the owners of the cultural property, local residents, and other visitors.

Details on dates and times of the performance will be announced in the city newsletter and on the website. → Information on events related to cultural properties

To view the map, please click on the link below. (Google Maps will open in a new window)

Bishamondo (Nakagumi Community Hall)

Inquiries (Japanese only)

Cultural Heritage Preservation Division, Department of Lifelong Learning, Board of Education Secretariat 

TEL: 048-829-1723 FAX: 048-829-1989


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